Daily Archives: September 27, 2010

Pittsburgh PodCamp 5 – Heart Shirts, Drunk Zombies and Almost Getting Married

Sorry this post is a week late.  I (Wormy) was hung over as all holy hell on Sunday,  had an attack of the stones and my birthday on Monday, real work to do Tuesday and Wednesday and then we lost power Wednesday night until Thursday late day from the storm that almost ended the world. Friday I had to make up all the work I missed from the power being out.  It was one hell of a week I tell ya!

Having a "committee meeting" in matching heart t-shirts. Jealous much?

Good Morning Podcampers!!! Chilla and I woke up Saturday morning and dressed for the first day of classes in matching heart T-shirts. You see, around March Chilla found these shirts on thinkgeek.com and went crazycakes over them. They are battery operated and when you stand near the other person the hearts light up. When you are away from each other the hearts go dim.

See how my hearts go dim. I'm sadcakes that Chilla isn't standing beside me.

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