Pittsburgh International Airport After Hours

I stumbled upon this little gem today.  Ashley Klinger got stranded at the Pittsburgh Airport during the blizzard and made good use of her time there. I don’t know where she’s from but she was trying to get to New York.  She found places I’ve never seen in the airport before and I used to work there!  I think we need to send her a box of wine for her positive attitude while being stranded in Pittsburgh.  Ashley if you see this email us!

In her own words :

“My adventures in the Pittsburgh International Airport during the worst snow storm of the century. After arriving late for a flight at 7:40 PM to LGA I decided to stick around my gate until my flight at 5:40 and had a BLAST!”


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15 responses to “Pittsburgh International Airport After Hours

  1. Hot Mama

    OMG can we be friends with this girl? I totally hope she emails us, she deserves a box o wine from The Bitches! Loves it!

  2. She’s adorable! So much cool for such a young soul.

  3. Ashley Klinger

    HEY THERE!!!
    I am the one and only Ashley Klinger. So happy people like my newest video. I am a student at Point Park University and I was on my way to an audition in New York and did not want to miss my audition so that was the sacrifice I had to make. I was notified about the article from a google alert. Thanks for your support… love the bitchburgh:)

    • OMG are you adorable.
      now you have me totally thinking a a great new reality show concept
      of course it would involve you!
      go to my blog and let’s be penpals or something!

      i am totally putting your video up there!
      you must be shared with the world!

    • nottelling

      I know this is probably too little, too late but I just sent your video to Ellen…hope you get on

  4. Tim

    Has anyone considered forwarding this to USAIR or Pgh International Airport; could be newsworthy! Or one of them local Pittsburgh stations…let’s get an Ashley-meme going, she’s a hoot.

  5. Mac

    Best video! Comedy in unexpected places.

  6. ggdbllime

    I’m in love now

  7. I’ve met Ashley and she is as talented as she is adorable!!!

  8. Pingback: Ashley Klinger got stranded at the airport « Dating Jesus

  9. I want to hang out with this girl and get locked in a mall.

  10. Ashley, free tickets to BEV Lounge, free tickets to BEV Lounge Annex Independence Day celebration and standing invitation to be on the show email me, you are the epitome of an American!….

  11. Thanks to Ashley for such a charming video…I love the bit on the moving walkway!

  12. Mark Adler

    I’m hummin’ the National Anthem and awarding Ashley the gold medal for “Freestyle Avoidance of Suicide in an Empty Airport (Winter Games 2010).

  13. KEvin

    Ashley, You are just too Adorable, Please Come to Syracuse so we can have a good time out! You are sooooo darn cute!

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